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Chris's Denture placement
Chris came to us at Transform Smiles because he was unhappy with his current dentures in terms of look, comfort and function. He couldn’t eat properly and sometimes felt his dentures were loose fitting and uncomfortable. After an initial assessment, we were able to recommend a denture solution that worked best for Chris.
What we did
We discussed all the options available from implant retained dentures, bridges, partial dentures and permanent implants. Once Chris was happy with an option that suited his needs we booked him to take a set of impressions of his teeth. We then worked with our lab to create the denture using the finest materials. Chris was invited back for try-ins and fits until the result felt perfect.
Over the course of 2 weeks Chris underwent a full denture plan to replace his current dentures which were proving uncomfortable. After the treatment was completed Chris had the result he’d dreamed of – “a new, comfortable and absolutely perfect denture”.
A word from Chris
“I needed a new denture as the others were getting very uncomfortable. I had a full assessment with my dentist where he explained all the options before I chose the right option for me. My dentist was great and spent lots of time with me until we got a perfect fit. They where absolutely brilliant and in the end I had a new, comfortable and absolutely perfect denture!”
Need a Denture review?
Speak to your Transform Smiles dentist about your options for replacing current dentures or having a new denture. We have a number of options to replace missing teeth including permanent Dental Implants and Implant retained dentures (separate assessment), bridges, partial dentures and full dentures. Our dentists are supported by qualified clinical dental technicians to help ensure the denture fit is perfect for you.

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